Technology advantage

The technology system of the company for customers improve production efficiency, reduce production cost and improve the quality of products play an important role, the company has for Wei founded group, Foxconn Technology Group Co., Ltd. and other companies to provide technical service

Marketing advantage

In the process of electronic manufacturing process products are in compliance with the process design of the function and performance, to achieve the best cost performance or performance of the application.

Talent advantage

The company has more than 20 professional electronic processing technology research and development engineers and more than 50 practical experience in electronic manufacturing products application engineer, can provide customers with various types of services

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XXX Co., Ltd. was established in 1966 in order to enhance the industrial technology through the evaluation of technical support for the test and evaluation agencies,Is a representative body of the Republic of Korea, which exchanges and coop..


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  • 2020-07-18 发光字自动报价软件7月18日更新(en)

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  • 2020-05-18 发光字自动报价软件6月更新汇总(en)

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  • 2020-05-18 发光字自动报价软件5月更新汇总(en)

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job job

Studio in these years of continuous development, has accumulated a large number of visual design, program development, user experience a series of enterprise customer service experience, sit to take the customer as the center, make according to customer demand for products and services. Customers include Japan, North America, Europe, Australia and other overseas regions, and by the affirmation and encouragement of these customers.

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Address:XX Road, XX Road, XX District, Shanghai City

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